
The Eight Chapters of Maimonides on Ethics (Shemonah Peraḳim): A Psychological and Ethical Treatise is unavailable, but you can change that!

Scholars generally agree that Maimonides’ main intention for his writings on ethics was to unify traditional Jewish belief and Aristotelian philosophy. Highly educated in both realms, Maimonides provided the world with teachings which are still appreciated today. In this translation, Joseph I Gorfinkle introduces valuable insight into Maimonides’ writings.

1 KNOW that transgressions and observances of the Law have their origin only in two of the faculties of the soul, namely, the sensitive2 and the appetitive, and that to these two faculties alone are to be ascribed all transgressions and observances. The faculties of nutrition and imagination do not give rise to observance or transgression, for
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